Prequel: Younger Dryas meteor impacts, The Flood & Atlantis

As we evolved, humanity lived through periodic climate swings from ice ages to warmer periods over 100,000 and 40,000 year cycles.  After the last ice age maxima, this pattern was disrupted by a series of events which caused very abrupt global warming and cooling.  These chaotic changes are known as the Dryas Periods and evidence is now emerging of the cause of the two most recent events – meteor impacts which decimated human societies at that time.  Many tribal memories, passed down over millennia, originally dismissed as myths and legends are now being reassessed, in parts, as oral history.  Details of the what, the when and the where of events immortalized as Noah’s Flood and the destruction of Atlantis are now beginning understood.  Second Edition published May 2024.

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Part One: God, Enki, Ra/Marduk & Yahweh

Proof of a divine Creator is not to be found in the Bible but compelling evidence is found in astronomy and in biology.  Surprisingly, the real identity of Yahweh may be deduced from biblical texts.  The most memorable figures from the Old Testament include Noah, Abraham, Moses and kings David & Solomon – one might expect these found international recognition, with references to their exceptional feats in the historical record of surrounding adjacent cultures.  But, only one of these heroes has been verified, one appears to be adopted from another culture, one surprises by his total invisibility and the youngest are acknowledged only by an isolated and obscure fragment.  Third Edition printed September 2023.

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Part Two: The Promised Land, 2000BC to 1000BC

The Old Testament books covering the time of Abraham to David (c2000BC to c1000BC) tell of the Israelites led from slavery to conquer the ‘Promised Land’.  However, clear evidence reveals these books were largely written during the Babylonian captivity, after 596BC, by priests with only hazy notions of geography and history.  The biblical story overlooks the fact that the entire area of the Promised Land formed part of the Egyptian Empire for the greater part of the entire millennia.  This book also examines arguments of writers who see the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.   Third edition printed March 2024.

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Part Three: Jesus, the Nazarene

Arguably, Jesus has had the most formative impact on humankind. Today, the New Testament stands as the only authoritative source of his life and teaching – but almost all of the books written about him in the first century have been destroyed. How authentic and reliable are those selected for the New Testament? The Old Testament is reputed to contain hundreds of prophesies concerning Jesus – which of these are credible? We name him Christ, meaning Messiah, a term the church has allowed to be widely misunderstood. Is Jesus part of a Trinity? Second edition printed in 2023.

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Part Four: The Truth Revealed, What Jesus Really Taught

Does the church teach Jesus message accurately?  If not, how can we find what Jesus originally taught?  Tough questions, to which careful research provides revealing answers.

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Conventional history teaches the first civilizations arose in Egypt and Sumer but we find growing evidence that these were founded by an earlier culture that was crippled by Earth’s most recent extinction level event. Evidence points to a meteor that incinerated North America and parts of Europe circa 10765BC, leaving a few survivors who brought new knowledge to disparate groups elsewhere and became revered as gods.

Today, mainstream Christianity contains key aspects of belief that did not come from Jesus whilst is silent or denies other important teaching that Jesus and his first disciples did teach.

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Glyn Thomas

Inspiring Writer and Author

Glyn was fascinated by ancient history from an early age - how civilization developed, how life on earth developed, how our planet was terraformed and how the universe evolved. During a career working mainly in senior financial roles for large multinationals, the combined impact of dealing with corporate correspondence and keeping abreast of professional material precluded any opportunity to read for pleasure....

About Glyn

Glyn Thomas